Remember us in your Will
AvMA is completely independent and relies on the generosity of our supporters to enable us to carry out our vital work. By leaving a donation in your Will, you will be helping us to continue to support people affected by avoidable harm in healthcare; to help them achieve justice; and to promote better patient safety for all.
Any amount you can give will be very gratefully received and we can assure you that your gift will be used carefully to continue to provide services to people in need, such as our helpline, case work and inquest support.
How to leave a legacy to AvMA
Writing a Will is relatively straightforward, but please remember that when making or updating your Will you should always seek professional advice.
Remember a Charity has produced a useful guide to making a Will.
If you would like to leave a gift to AvMA in your Will please include the following information:
Action against Medical Accidents, 82 Tanner Street, London SE1 3GN. Registered charity in England & Wales (299123) and Scotland (SCO39683).
You do not need to tell us if you have remembered us in your Will, but we would love to hear from you if you do. If you would like to speak to someone at AvMA about leaving a gift in your Will, please email us or call 0208 688 9555.
Thank you for thinking of us.