News archive

  • Response to Justice Committee report on the Coroner’s Service

    July 21, 2021

    AvMA is pleased with the recommendations made by the Justice Committee in their report on the coroners service published on 27th May 2021. We, along with many other organisations believe it is important that government is fully aware of the strength of support for these recommendations, and to that end we have written a collective […]

  • Cautious welcome to Select Committee report on maternity services

    July 8, 2021

    AvMA has given a cautious welcome to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee report on maternity services in England published on 6th July. AvMA chief executive Peter Walsh said: “The report is spot on about many of the challenges faced by maternity services in England and the urgent need to improve safety […]

  • AvMA welcomes Justice Committee’s report on the Coroner’s Service

    May 27, 2021

    The report makes important recommendations for change, in our view there are three key recommendations which offer an opportunity for significant improvements to healthcare inquests. These recommendations if implemented, should enable the coroner’s court to fulfil its potential as an effective forum for change. The first recommendation is for the introduction of a new body […]

  • Free webinar “Successful Engagement with Healthcare Providers After a Serious Incident”

    May 25, 2021

    AvMA is working with Making Families Count, an organisation that aims to improve outcomes for families affected by serious harm and traumatic bereavements in health and social care services. Their vision is that the NHS, social care and other public bodies will make families count by ensuring that families are integral to health and social […]

  • AvMA welcomes new trustees

    April 20, 2021

    AvMA is delighted to announce that four new trustees and two trainee trustees have joined the board from April 2021. The innovative option to join as a “trainee trustee” was established for those with a keen interest in the charity and qualities to offer who may as yet lack experience of boards, committees, governance etc […]

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