
Search Results for:


  • “I have to defend my girl”

    Carolyn Cleveland A guest blog by Carolyn Cleveland, Managing Director, C&C Empathy Training Ltd So here was my emotional motivation: “I have to defend my girl – how will I...

  • “Since the surgery I am in more pain than before”

    Former Royal Marine Rod was looking forward to a happy retirement following his years of service to his country. He and his wife owned a lovely two-berth touring caravan and...

  • – Information for Experts

    AvMA guidelines and communications Expert Protocol FINAL 25.10.22 Acting as an expert or professional witness – Academy Medical Royal Colleges – May 2019 Lawyers Service Newsletter June 2024 Articles of...

  • – New experts application form

    Personal details Name Title ProfessorDrMrMrsMissMs Qualifications Contact address (incl postcode) Telephone Fax Email In addition to your full CV we will also require additional information set out below Professional registration...

  • – Responses to previous questionnaire (anonymised)

    4DH Pre Consultation FRC: Responses 2015-16 Medical Expert Consultation 2015-16 Feedback Summary Legal Aid: Responses 2015-16 Single Joint Expert: Responses 2015 – 16 New Firms Responses 2015-16...

  • – Update your details for your database listing

    To update your AvMA database listing details, please click HERE. You will need to register first to gain access if you have not previously done so. (Please use the email...

  • 35 years leading patient safety and justice

    This year it is 35 years since AvMA was formed in response to Peter Ransley’s hard-hitting drama “Minor Complications”. At the time, it was considered shocking to suggest that doctors...

  • 2017

    December 2017 minutes September 2017 minutes June 2017 minutes March 2017 minutes...

  • About us

    AvMA is a registered charity in England & Wales (No: 299123) and in Scotland (No: 2239250). Find out more about us by visiting the other pages in this section....

  • Accessibility

    Design standards We aim to design to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. We also work to the BSI PAS 78:2006 guidelines where possible. Structure of the site We have...

  • Access to justice

    When something goes wrong and causes harm, it is vital that patients and their families are dealt with fairly and honestly, and can get the support, answers and outcomes they...

  • ACNC18 Sponsor/Exhibitor checklist

    Sponsor/Exhibitor Checklist Please indicate your requirements for the conference mark any changes to the listing and submit this checklist as soon as possible to help us ensure you have all...

  • Additional sources of help

    England Local NHS complaints advocacy services can support you to make a complaint about the NHS and may help compose letters and accompany you to meetings. They are commissioned by...

  • All change at the NMC

    The Chief Executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Jackie Smith, announced in May she will be stepping down from the end of July. The move came in advance...

  • Alternatives to litigation

    In AvMA’s experience, most people do not want to take legal action if they can avoid it. Many feel forced to take legal action because of a lack of openness...

  • Amdanom ni

    Elusen y DU ar gyfer diogelwch a chyfiawnder cleifion ydy Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Rydyn ni’n rhoi cymorth a chyngor annibynnol i bobl y mae damweiniau meddygol (camgymeriadau o...

  • Annual reports and accounts

      Annual report and financial statements 2023-24   Previous reports Annual report and financial statements 2022-23 Annual report and financial statements 2021-22 Annual report and financial statements 2020-21 Annual report...

  • April 2017

    AvMA celebrates 35 years of fighting for patient safety AvMA was set up in 1982 in response to the BBC Play for Today Minor Complications. We have grown to be...

  • April 2018

    Review of Gross Negligence Manslaughter Jeremy Hunt has asked Sir Norman Williams to conduct a rapid policy review into gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare. Read more Nominations open for inaugural...

  • August 2018

    Watch our new video: Heather’s story Heather suffered permanent damage as a result of negligent treatment in hospital. She talks to AvMA about the devastating effect this has had on...

  • AvMA celebrates its 35th anniversary

    The year from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 is AvMA’s 35th anniversary year. We will be making the most of this milestone to raise awareness of the continuing...

  • AvMA needs your support this Christmas!

    AvMA would like to thank all our supporters and friends for their generosity. In this season of goodwill we ask you to help us again. AvMA is a charity sustained...

  • AvMA Questionnaires

    Questionnaire on Mediation – March 2018...

  • AvMA supporting families affected by Tawel Fan scandal

    AvMA have met some of the families affected by the Tawel Fan scandal in North Wales and are taking up issues on their behalf. Over a hundred families are awaiting...

  • Barrister Member List

    Please search for Barristers either alphabetically or by chambers using the drop down box below.

  • Barristers

    We welcome barristers and enjoy a good relationship with the bar, many of whom are valued members of AvMA’s Lawyers’ Service alongside our 2,500 solicitors specialising in clinical negligence. The...

  • Become a helpline volunteer

    Online application form Volunteer work placements wanted for our helpline service Are you a qualified solicitor, trainee solicitor, barrister or medically qualified? For the foreseeable future we are unable to...

  • Benefits of Joining for Barristers

    Individual listing on the Lawyers’ Service website and a link to your chambers’ webpage, which can be accessed by over 2,500 specialist solicitors. Discounts on events such as the Annual...

  • Benefits of joining for solicitor firms

    AvMA welcomes subscriptions from claimant solicitor firms. The subscription year runs from the 1st of April to 31st of March. Details of the rates from 1.4.25 – 31.3.26 can be...

  • Better regulation is needed for duty of candour to fulfil its potential

    Peter Walsh by Peter Walsh Chief Executive of AvMA August 2016 AvMA’s report on how the CQC has so far regulated the duty of candour makes mostly for depressing reading....

  • Black Friday: Terms and condition of booking

    1 – The special Black Friday offer is valid from 25/11/2016 until 23:55 of Monday 28/11/2016. 2 – Delegates must be at the same firm and booked at the same...

  • Board minutes

    We meet every quarter to discuss our work. Each meeting’s agenda and minutes can be downloaded from the appropriate sub-page. 2025 Board minutes 18.3.25 Board minutes 24.6.25 Board minutes 23.9.25...

  • Books and publications

    AvMA history The Man Under the Clapham Omnibus Families’ stories Joshua’s Story Justice for Laughing Boy From Ward to Whitehall Josie’s Story Lions, Liars, Donkeys and Penguins Patient guides Going...

  • Briefings and reports

    AvMA endeavours to provide a well-informed, patient-centred contribution to the most important policy debates affecting patient safety and justice. Some of the key ways we do this are through briefings,...

  • Call charges

    How much does it cost to call the AvMA helpline on 0345 123 2352? 03 calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02) and must be...

  • Case studies

    Over the years AvMA has supported numerous patients and their families, affected by medical accidents, providing them with free and confidential advice and support. Here you will find a small...

  • Checkout


  • Child of Members area

  • Choosing a solicitor

    Why choose a specialist solicitor? Clinical negligence is a highly complex and specialist area of law. It requires medical as well as legal knowledge, and an empathy with the feelings...

  • Claims for compensation

    When treatment has been negligent and caused harm, most people want honest answers and explanations about what happened and to see that learning takes place to stop the same thing...

  • Clamp down on legal costs would leave many with no legal remedy

    Consultation expected imminently The long awaited consultation on controversial Department of Health proposals to impose a ‘fixed recoverable costs regime’ on clinical negligence cases is expected before the end of...

  • Clinical Negligence – AvMA Medico-Legal Webinars

    Working on a client file and looking for more information to assist you with your case? At AvMA, our medico-legal webinars give you immediate access to leading specialists speaking on...

  • Clinical Negligence Issues in Neurosurgery & Neurological Disease

    Online documentation will be available from 2 November 2016. You will be asked to enter the password sent to you on your confirmation email. Download documentation...

  • Complaints about NHS or private healthcare

      If you believe something has gone wrong with the healthcare provided to you or a loved one, it is almost always best to discuss your concerns with the medical...

  • Conferences

    Upcoming Events AvMA End of Summer Social Evening of 12 September 2025, The Royal Liver Suite, Liverpool September 12, 2025 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Introducing a brand new social event for the clinical...

  • Conferences & Events

      AvMA provide top quality, varied and topical conferences, webinars and events for all your training, development and networking needs within the medico-legal and healthcare fields. Current event details are...

  • Contact us

    Help and advice Before contacting us, please visit the Help and Advice section of the website. This is usually the quickest way to find the information you need. If you...

  • Corporate partners

    AvMA is very grateful to our corporate partners, whose support makes the vital work we do possible. These are just some of the companies that have teamed up with AvMA...

  • CQC Deaths Review underlines urgent need for action over NHS investigations

    In December the Care Quality Commission (‘CQC’) published its review of the investigation of deaths in the NHS. The report is a damning indictment of how the NHS identifies, reports,...

  • Cutting compensation for those maimed by the NHS would be ‘hideously unfair’

    Peter Walsh by Peter Walsh Chief Executive of AvMA February 2018 The front page of the Daily Telegraph – “Cut payouts for NHS blunders or the NHS will go bust”...

  • December 2017

    Specialist independent investigations of maternity incidents welcomed HSIB to conduct specialist independent investigations of stillbirths, neonatal deaths and brain injury at childbirth Read more Rapid Resolution and Redress scheme to...

  • Deep reflection needed on Bawa-Garba ruling

    On 12 August Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba won her appeal to practise medicine again. Dr Bawa-Garba was convicted of gross negligence manslaughter in 2015 over the death of Jack Adcock, who...

  • Delegate CPD

  • Department of Health publishes plans to cap costs in clinical negligence cases

    The long-awaited consultation on capping costs in clinical negligence cases in England and Wales was finally published on 30th January. The deadline for responses is 1st May. AvMA has strong...

  • Department of Health ‘safe space’ proposal could legitimise cover-ups

    Make your voice heard! AvMA is calling on everyone who shares its concerns to respond to the consultation. The closing date is December 16th. The proposal would legislate for ‘safe...

  • DH delays decision about fixed costs in clinical negligence

    Peter Walsh Citing delays caused by the formation of a new government on 9 June 2017, the Department of Health has announced that it’s decision on imposing fixed costs in...

  • Disciplinary action

    Most lapses in patient safety are due to failure by the organisation or ‘system failures’ and the individual healthcare professionals should not be blamed. Sometimes, however, the conduct or competence...

  • Donate

    Make a regular or one-off donation By signing up to make a regular or one-off donation you will belong to a growing movement for change. Join injured patients and their...

  • Donate or fundraise for AvMA

    As the leading patient safety and access to justice charity in the UK, we are completely independent and rely on volunteers, fundraising and generous donations from supporters to enable us...

  • Do you have a story to share?

    To mark our 35th anniversary year, we are looking for people who we have helped over the years who would like to share their story with us. Through your stories...

  • Duty of candour

    November 2014 marked an historic advance in patients’ rights and patient safety in England with the introduction of a statutory duty of candour (a legal duty to be open and...

  • Duty of Candour leaflet

    If you would like to order printed copies of the leaflet please send us an email. As a charity will will need to charge you for the printing and delivery...

  • Duty of Candour to go live in Scotland but silence over proposed Redress scheme

    The Duty of Candour Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2018 have been published and come into effect on 1st April 2018. Guidance on implementing the duty of candour will be published. AvMA...

  • England

    The statutory duty of candour now applies to all health care organisations which are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). It takes the form of regulations brought in under...

  • Essential Legal Concepts for Experts in Clinical Negligence Claims

    Online documentation will be available from 15 November 2016. You will be asked to enter the password sent to you on your confirmation email.  ...

  • Essential Medicine for Lawyers – online documentation

    You can either download the Essential Medicine for Lawyers documentation as a single file or download individual speaker’s presentation. Also, you can make electronic notes to your PDF files by...

  • Event Management

    Cost effective, top class event management service Do you need to organise events such as conferences or workshops, but do not have the time or resource to do this internally?...

  • Events Team

    For all conference and event enquiries, please contact the Events Team on + 44 (0) 20 3096 1140 or by e-mail: Ed Maycock, Events Manager Kate Eastmond, Events and Webinar...

  • February 2018

    Government must listen to public and experts over clinical negligence AvMA welcomes the long awaited publication of the Government’s response to the consultation on introducing fixed recoverable costs in clinical...

  • Feedback and complaints

    Feedback about our service We really welcome your feedback about our services and other work including suggestions on how we could improve. To feedback on one of our services, please...

  • Feedback and complaints

    Click here for details of how to give feedback or make a complaint about AvMA...

  • Feedback and complaints

    Click here for details of how to give feedback or make a complaint about AvMA...

  • Find a solicitor

    If you want legal advice about a potential clinical negligence claim we strongly recommend that you use a specialist medical negligence solicitor accredited by AvMA. We only accredit solicitors who...

  • Fixed costs ‘premature and ill-informed’

    AvMA and eight other patients’ charities have signed an open letter calling on Jeremy Hunt to reconsider plans to impose fixed costs in clinical negligence. The letter, published in the...

  • Fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence

    The Department of Health and Social Care (strangely not the Ministry of Justice as this is a justice matter) completed a consultation exercise in April 2022 on proposals to limit...

  • Fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence proposals “dangerous” and “premature”

    The Department of Health consultation on imposing fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence closes on 2nd May. AvMA and many others including other leading patients’ charities and legal organisations have...

  • Frequently asked questions

    Why aren’t all specialist clinical negligence solicitors listed? Only solicitors who have been accredited by AvMA as members of our specialist clinical negligence panel are included in Find a Solicitor*....

  • Frequently asked questions

    What relationship does AvMA have with lawyers? AvMA sees lawyers as an invaluable resource for injured patients and their families to help achieve justice. AvMA promotes good practice by lawyers...

  • Fundraise for AvMA

    “The experience has been remarkable, with highs, lows and funny moments.” MARIA, who swam an amazing 40km to raise money for AvMA. Take on a challenge or hold your own...

  • Fundraising promise

    Our promise We are members of the Fundraising Regulator Scheme. As members we follow their guidance and code of practice and comply with the key principles embodied in the codes...

  • George’s story

    Margaret’s husband George died as a result of negligence in hospital. Margaret has very generously talked about her experience to help highlight the importance of AvMA to ordinary people undergoing...

  • Get involved

    Your support is vital to our work. Every minute of your time you give to us helps improve life for people affected by avoidable harm in healthcare. There are many...

  • Governance

    Overall responsibility for the charity rests with our board of trustees, all of whom are unpaid volunteers. It is the trustees who agree policies and priorities, taking advice from the...

  • Government must listen to public and experts over clinical negligence

    AvMA welcomes the long awaited publication of the Government’s response to the consultation on introducing fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence which finished in May 2017. However we are concerned...

  • Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch and ‘safe space’

    The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) is due to be operational from 1st April. A consultation about HSIB and about proposals to extend the controversial so-called ‘safe space’ arrangements...

  • Health Professional Training & Regulation

  • Health Service Safety Investigations Bill published

    The government has launched its draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill despite strong concerns from AvMA and other patient safety groups that the legislation will prevent patients and families from...

  • Help and advice

    We understand how bewildering it can be when you or a loved one believe you have suffered injury following medical care. There may be a range of options open to...

  • Helpline volunteer application form

  • Hints and tips: Writing a complaint letter to the NHS

    It is not unusual to feel confused and uncertain when you believe something has gone wrong with the healthcare provided to you or a loved one. You have a statutory...

  • History of AvMA

    AvMA was originally established in 1982 as Action for the Victims of Medical Accidents following public reaction to the television play Minor Complications by AvMA’s founder Peter Ransley. Read Peter’s...

  • How it all began

    Peter Ransley, Honorary Life President Peter Ransley, founder and honorary life president of AvMA tells the story of how AvMA was born Once upon a time there was a hospital...

  • Inquest new client form

  • Inquests

    The loss of a loved one can be one of the most difficult things you have to deal with and this experience can be made even worse if you are...

  • Is criminal prosecution of doctors harming patient safety?

    Barbara Ross By Barbara Ross AvMA trustee, former professional nurse and a member of NHS England’s primary care patient safety group May 2016   Welcome to our second guest blog....

  • January 2017

    Department of Health publishes plans to cap costs in clinical negligence cases The long-awaited consultation on capping costs in clinical negligence cases in England and Wales was finally published on...

  • Jayne completes the Mourne Wall Walk and raises £1,470 to support AvMA’s patient safety work

    Jayne and her friends on the walk The Mourne Wall Walk in Northern Ireland is not for the fainthearted. Covering 22 miles and taking in seven mountains, this gruelling hike...

  • Join us for a delicious night out in Birmingham or Newcastle

    As part of our 35th anniversary celebrations, AvMA is hosting two fantastic nights out to raise money for our patient safety work. On 11 May you can join us at...

  • Join us in Manchester for a 35th Anniversary dinner and dance

    Help us to celebrate 35 years of Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) This exciting event takes place on 8 November at one of Manchester’s hottest venues: Manchester235. Join friends and...

  • Join us to run The Big Half Marathon 2019

    10 March 2019 Take on The Big Half and help people harmed by patient safety failures. The Vitality Big Half is a new a half marathon organised by the London...

  • Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management

    AvMA is pleased to be a partner of SAGE in publishing the Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management (formerly Clinical Risk) – the leading journal focused on patient safety,...

  • July 2017

    Help celebrate AvMA’s 35th anniversary! So much remains to be done to improve patient safety in the UK and to support people who have been harmed or lost loved ones...

  • June 2018

    Watch our new video: George’s story Margaret’s husband George died as a result of negligence in hospital. Read more Senior figures must be held to account for the Gosport scandal...

  • Lawyers’ Newsletter

    AvMA’s Newsletter is published three times a year and articles relating to legal practice and procedure are encouraged from solicitors and barristers alike. The Newsletter is intended to be a...

  • Lawyers’ Service

    AvMA provides a range of specialist services and benefits for barristers and claimant solicitors who work in the field of clinical negligence. Solicitor firms acting on behalf of claimants and...

  • Lawyer Service & Panel Member Notices

    If you would like to make suggestions about additional items which ought to be included or any other improvements then please contact the Lawyers’ Service Team. Further to our recent...

  • Learning from deaths guidance a step in the right direction

    In July, NHS England published new guidance for NHS trusts on how to engage with families and carers whose loved one has died. AvMA was closely involved in the consultation...

  • Learning from deaths – families demand more than just ‘guidance’

    AvMA is taking part in NHS England’s ‘Learning from Deaths’ programme, which amongst other things will be producing ‘guidance’ for NHS trusts on how they involve families in investigations and...

  • Llinell Gymorth

    (AvMA) ydy elusen y DU dros ddiogelwch a chyfiawnder i gleifion. Rydym yn darparu cyngor a chymorth am ddim a chyfrinachol i bobl sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan ddamweiniau meddygol, trwy...

  • Login

    Lawyers’ Service members who wish to gain access to the private members’ section will, if you have not previously done so, need to register first before being able to login....

  • London & SE

    2023 AvMA & NHS Resolution, ENS Meeting 12th October 2023 – RWK Goodman Solicitors You can find the slides from NHS Resolution on their website HERE 2022 Oliver Segal Medicolegal...

  • LSG Presentations

    Provided our speakers have given AvMA their consent, we have uploaded their presentations for all our members to view. This allows you to view presentations that have been covered historically...

  • May 2017

    Rapid Response and Redress scheme has potential but needs radical changes We say parents of brain damaged children could be short changed Read more Partial victory for openness as ‘safe...

  • Media contact

    For media enquiries only 0208 688 9555 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm) 07768 361 645 (Out of hours)...

  • Medical experts

    AvMA holds an acclaimed and dedicated database of medical experts that is continually revised and maintained by the medically trained AvMA staff. We give advice and recommend appropriate experts to...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Accident & Emergency Care

    Online documentation will be available from 12 October 2016. You will be asked to enter the password sent to you on your confirmation email. Download presentations...

  • Members: Register here first (if you have not previously done so) before logging in

    If your firm has subscribed to AvMA Lawyers’ Service you can access the members’ section of the AvMA website but you need to register here first before logging in. Once...

  • Members area

  • Midlands

    2020 Tim Kilner Breach of Duty in Neurological Conditions: A Paramedic Perspective November 2020 Richard Baker Accommodation Claims October 2020 2019 Professor Jonathan Hardman, Consultant Anaesthetist, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS...

  • My bulletins

    Oops! We could not locate your form....

  • New client form

    Before contacting us, please try our self-help guides, which contain clear and straightforward guidance. If you still need to contact us after reading the self-help guides, please read the following...

  • New research on openness in the NHS—and a chance to contribute to the focus of the study

    A new research study, led by the University of Leicester in collaboration with Sheffield and Cambridge universities, aims to look at progress made in the NHS towards becoming more open...

  • News

  • News archive

  • Northern

    2020 Tim Kilner Breach of Duty in Neurological Conditions: A Paramedic Perspective November 2020 Richard Baker Accommodation Claims October 2020 Dr Emma Ferriman, Consultant in Obstetrics & Fetal Medicine, The...

  • Northern Ireland

    AvMA has consistently called for a statutory duty of candour in all parts of the UK. Our case was helped significantly by events at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast and...

  • Northern Ireland Hyponatraemia Inquiry calls for statutory Duty of Candour

    The long-awaited report from the Hyponatraemia Inquiry has finally been published. The Inquiry looked at the shocking deaths of five children in Northern Ireland and the systemic issues around them...

  • Northern NW Scotland Virtual LSGs

      Legal Challenges in Anaesthesia Dr Manish M Kumar MBBS, MD, FRCA, LLM Consultant Anaesthetist   Available from 15th November until 22nd December 2023 CPD: 0.5 To view our presentations,...

  • North West

    2020 Tim Kilner Breach of Duty in Neurological Conditions: A Paramedic Perspective November 2020 Richard Baker Accommodation Claims October 2020 2019 Dr Nicholas Kearsley GP: Cancer Referrals in General Practice...

  • November 2016

    Department of Health ‘safe space’ proposal could legitimise cover-ups Patients and families could see relevant information being withheld by NHS investigations. Please respond to the consultation. Make your voice heard...

  • Office contact

    Please note that our email is for office enquiries only For all enquiries concerning medical accidents Please visit the help and advice section of the website, where you can complete...

  • Online documentation

    Presentations Online documentation will be available one day before the conference. Click on the link below to download the online documentation. You will be asked for a password to access...

  • Online new client form

    Please read the important notes below before completing a form: Before contacting us, please try our self-help guides, which contain clear and straightforward guidance. If you still need to contact...

  • Our people

    The people involved with AvMA are our biggest asset. From the people who contact us for help and share with us their personal experiences, to our supporters, volunteers, patrons, trustees...

  • Our vision, mission and values

    Vision People who suffer avoidable medical harm get the support and outcomes they need. Mission We champion the needs of people adversely impacted by avoidable medical harm. We do this...

  • Partial victory for openness as ‘safe space’ dropped for now

    The Department of Health has dropped controversial plans to impose ‘safe space’ provisions on local investigations. This was a victory for AvMA and other stakeholders, who had expressed strong concerns...

  • Patient safety

    AvMA has played a huge role in moving patient safety higher up the agenda, but so much more remains to be done. As the only UK patients’ charity specialising in...

  • Patient safety alerts

    Patient safety alerts are official notices issued by NHS England which give advice or instructions to NHS bodies on how to prevent specific types of incidents which are known to...

  • Patient Safety Congress

    You can still book a place to see AvMA Chief Executive Peter Walsh speaking at this year’s HSJ Patient Safety Congress. His talk will focus on engaging patients and their...

  • Patient Safety Congress 2018

    9-10 July, Manchester Central The Patient Safety Congress marks its 11th year in 2018 and AvMA Chief Executive Peter Walsh will be one of the speakers, talking about the importance...

  • Patient safety in the news

    Some of the stories we’ve been reading about this month. AvMA client Reina Mitchell talks about the cruel price of forcing couples apart when they go into care homes Police...

  • Patient Safety Learning Conference 2018

    26th September 2018, London Download Speaker’s Presentations Patient Safety Incidents as a Catalyst for Change: Kevin’s Story Margaret Murphy Keynote Speech – Sir Liam Donaldson ‘Learning from Morecambe Bay &...

  • Patient safety resources

    Kindly supported by our Partners for Patient Safety corporate members Please choose from the side menu to access some of the resources or services we recommend to anyone working in...

  • Patients and lawyers unite to offer ministers solutions to clinical negligence ‘fixed costs’ controversy

    AvMA, the Law Society and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers have jointly agreed suggested terms of reference for a working party to reduce legal costs in clinical negligence cases...

  • Patient stories

    Patients and families affected by avoidable harm in healthcare are at the heart of everything we do. As the only patients’ charity specialising in patient safety and justice we make...

  • Patrons

    Patrons of AvMA have been chosen by the charity’s trustees because they are prominent and respected champions of patient safety and justice and supporters of AvMA. Patrons have a purely...

  • Policy and campaigns

    AvMA’s policy and campaign priorities are informed by the daily contact we have with people whose lives have been devastated by avoidable harm in healthcare. The help and support we...

  • Policy roundup

    Fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence The Government has yet to respond to the results of the Department of Health consultation on controversial proposals to impose fixed recoverable costs on...

  • Privacy & cookies

    PRIVACY NOTICE – Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) (Last updated: 11 May 2018) THE SHORT VERSION At AvMA we are committed to protecting your privacy. If you have contacted AvMA...

  • Proposed Patient Safety Bill to ‘prohibit’ open disclosure

    Following the General Election the Queen’s speech offered relatively little in terms of much needed legislation to improve regulation and safety. Nothing on the long-awaited reform of health professional regulation...

  • Questions to ask a solicitor

    Some useful questions to ask a potential solicitor about their ability to deal with your claim: How much time will you provide free to assess my case? (Most solicitors offer...

  • Rapid Resolution and Redress scheme to go forward

    The Department of Health has published a summary of consultation responses to its consultation earlier in 2017 on a ‘Rapid Resolution and Redress Scheme’ for babies with serious brain damage...

  • Rapid response and redress scheme for severe avoidable birth injury

    The Department of Health consultation on these proposals closes on 26th May. These are radical proposals and we would urge everyone with an interest in severe birth injuries to respond....

  • Rapid Response and Redress scheme has potential but needs radical changes

    The Department of Health’s consultation on proposals for a Rapid Response and Redress scheme for brain damaged children in maternity cases in England closes on 26th May. The scheme has...

  • Read AvMA’s blog

    The CQC – Losing and Hopefully Now Finding Its Way by Paul Whiteing, AvMA Chief Executive, February 2025 Following serious regulatory failures, the CQC is looking to co-design its future...

  • Receive Conference, Webinars, Events and Fundraising updates

    Email FIRSTNAME LASTNAME ORGANISATION JOBTITLE Privacy notice: The information we send you may include a newsletter to tell you more about the work we do, information about how you can...

  • Receive our e-newsletter

  • Recognising ‘what good looks like’

    149 Suzanne Shale by Suzanne Shale Chair of AvMA January 2016 I am in awe of Will Powell, Josephine Ocloo, Clare Bowen, James Titcombe, Scott Morrish and Sara Ryan. Their...

  • Registration Cancelled

    All unsaved registration information entered during this session has been deleted....

  • Registration Checkout

  • Remember us in your Will

    AvMA is completely independent and relies on the generosity of our supporters to enable us to carry out our vital work. By leaving a donation in your Will, you will...

  • Report a patient safety incident

    You can report patient safety incidents to the relevant regulator. Please note that using these reporting mechanisms will not result in an individual response but will provide evidence to inform...

  • Representing Families at Inquests: A Practical Guide – e-docs

    Online documentation will be available from 5 October 2016. You will be asked for a password to access the content. Download presentations...

  • Request for Experts – AvMA Members

    It is often said that the success or failure of a clinical negligence claim is determined by the quality of the medical expert/s and the evidence they give. AvMA maintains...

  • Research projects

    Below are details of research projects that AvMA is currently involved in. If you are interested in further information, please email us. Project Organisation AvMA’s role The National Perinatal Epidemiology...

  • Resources for Professionals

    AvMA enjoys a unique partnership with health professionals, staff responsible for patient safety and also with lawyers and medical experts who work in the medico-legal field. Use this section to...

  • Resources for Speakers

    Speakers Expenses Form AvMA Conference and Events Department SPEAKERS EXPENSES Speaker's Name Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Title First Last Conference Name 35th Annual Clinical Negligence Conference, 20-21 March 2025, Bournemouth please select the...

  • Review of Gross Negligence Manslaughter

    Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba Following great unrest amongst doctors and others over the case of Dr Bawa-Garba, Jeremy Hunt has asked Sir Norman Williams to conduct a rapid policy review into...

  • Robbie’s Law

    Robbie Powell AvMA’s campaign was also called “Robbie’s Law” with the permission of the family of Robbie Powell, whose family have done more than anyone to raise awareness of the...

  • Scotland

    AvMA consistently called for a statutory duty of candour in Scotland but had been told by the Scottish Government that it was not necessary or it could not work. Interest...

  • Search

  • Select committee scrutinises ‘safe space’ proposals

    Peter Walsh AvMA Chief Executive Peter Walsh has given evidence to a joint select committee scrutinising the draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill. The Bill contains controversial proposals for extending...

  • Self-help guides

    AvMA’s self-help guides have been written by experts to help guide you through the process of taking action following a medical injury. In clear and straightforward language, they set out...

  • Senior figures must be held to account for the Gosport scandal

    The report on the Gosport War Memorial Hospital scandal was published in June. AvMA welcomed the report, which entirely vindicates the families who had been raising serious concerns and seeking...

  • September 2017

    Health Service Safety Investigations Bill published The draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill poses a huge risk to patient rights and undermines the statutory duty of candour. Find out more...

  • Shop for AvMA

    Fundraise for AvMA when you shop online It’s completely free for both for you and for AvMA Shop at Give as you Live And a percentage of the price is...

  • Sitemap

    (Not the) ACNC #ACNC19 | Speaker’s Feedback #ACNC2020 Speaker’s Checklist 31st Annual Clinical Negligence Conference – Online documentation 32 Annual Clinical Negligence Conference – Online Documentation 33rd Annual Clinical Negligence...

  • South West

    2022 Dr Tarun Solanki – Medicolegal issues in care of the elderly 14.6.22 2020 Tim Kilner Breach of Duty in Neurological Conditions: A Paramedic Perspective November 2020 Richard Baker Accommodation...

  • Speaker checklist

    Speaker's Checklist Please indicate your requirements for the conference to help us ensure you have all you need for a successful presentation Name* Please enter your name as you would...

  • Speaker checklist: 33rd Annual Clinical Negligence Conference 2023, Bournemouth

    Speaker's Checklist - 33rd Annual Clinical Negligence Conference, 23-24 March 2023, Bournemouth International Centre Please indicate your requirements for the conference to help us ensure you have all you need...

  • Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel accreditation

    Are you or members of your team ready for AvMA accreditation? As an independent patient safety charity, providing advice and support to patients is central to our work. It was...

  • Specialist clinical negligence solicitors

      As with any other source of professional help, we believe it is better to use a solicitor who is independently accredited as a specialist in her/his field. That is...

  • Specialist independent investigations of maternity incidents welcomed

    The Department of Health has announced that it will fund the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) to conduct specialist independent investigations of stillbirths, neonatal deaths and brain injury at childbirth....

  • Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

    Sponsoring or exhibiting at AvMA’s events offers the ideal way to reinforce your company’s brand, create new business opportunities and maintain customer interface with existing clients. Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities...

  • Stepping out for AvMA

    On 22 May ‘Team AvMA’ took part in the London Legal Walk 2017. Our fundraising manager, Phil Walker, reported back from the event. It was a very warm and muggy...

  • Support AvMA when you shop at Amazon

    AvMA has joined the Amazon Smile programme. If you buy anything on Amazon you can now raise money for AvMA at the same time at no cost to yourself. Amazon...

  • Support campaigns and petitions

    AvMA is a unique charity championing patient safety and justice, but even more important than the charity and its work itself is the wider movement of people who share a...

  • Swim for advocacy

    Maria Dineen By Maria Dineen Managing Director of Consequence UK and a leading patient safety campaigner When one loses a loved one under expected circumstances the impact of the loss...

  • Take part in research on harm within healthcare

    Have you been harmed by the way an organisation has responded to an initial failure in patient safety? Known is “second harm”, this is harm that happens as a result...

  • Terms and Conditions of Booking

    1 – CONFIRMATION OF BOOKING 1.1 Online event confirmation will be sent by email. Login details will be sent 24 hours prior to the online event. It is the responsibility...

  • Thank You

  • The AvMA helpline

    0345 123 2352. Monday to Friday, 10am to 3.30pm. Before calling the AvMA helpline, please check out our range of online self help guides which may contain the information you...

  • The current legal duty of candour

    Guest blog by Will Powell Robbie’s Law Trust April 2016 Welcome to the first of our guest blogs. This month’s blog is by Will Powell, father of Robbie Powell who...

  • The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch: Glass half full or half empty?

    Peter Walsh by Peter Walsh Chief Executive of AvMA June 2016 The much trumpeted Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) came a step closer to becoming a reality with the announcement...

  • The Judith Freedman legacy

    You may have wondered why AvMA’s office building is called “Freedman House”. It is because of the wonderful thoughtfulness and generosity of one of AvMA’s past clients – Judith Freedman...

  • The Lawyers’ Service Team

    Lisa O’Dwyer, Director of Medico-Legal Services, qualified as a solicitor in 1993 and specialised in claimant clinical negligence claims before joining AvMA in March 2009. Lisa was appointed Director of...

  • Transactions

    This is the Event Espresso Transactions page. This page receives instant payment notification (IPN) requests and should have a status of published, but should not be easily accessible by site...

  • Trustee Board

    Trustees are volunteers who share collective responsibility for the governance, strategic planning and policy decisions of the charity. AvMA is lucky to have trustees who bring a wealth of experience...

  • Two reports challenging failings in the current health safety management system

    Welcome to our guest blog. This month’s blog is from Richard von Abendorff, one of a number of Patient Public Voices on NHS Improvement’s National Patient Safety Response Advisory Panel....

  • Vacancies

    We are not currently recruiting. Click here if you are interested in becoming a helpline volunteer  ...

  • Volunteer with AvMA

    Administration | Marketing & Communications | Fundraising | Finance | Conferences You may be someone returning to work after having children, or fresh out of College or University and wishing...

  • Wales

    AvMA has consistently called for a statutory duty of candour in Wales at every opportunity but been told by the Welsh Assembly Government that it was not needed or could...

  • Walking the Mourne Wall for AvMA

    Jayne with her dad, Denny I’m walking the Mourne Wall for AvMA I need your support to raise much needed funds to help people affected by medical accidents Jayne Doran...

  • Welcome to the Members’ Section of Lawyers’ Service

    You are now logged in and can access the rest of the site by going to the links on the left including: Requests for Experts Barrister Member List Legal Updates...

  • We’re looking for new trustees

    Do you have a passion for patient safety and justice, experience of working with people at a senior level in organisations and an understanding of good governance? If so, this...

  • What kind of workplace culture do we want?

    Welcome to our guest blog. This month’s blog is from Dame Professor Donna Kinnair, Director of Nursing Policy and Practice at the Royal College of Nursing and a Patron of...

  • What people say about AvMA

    I was lost and unsure what to do, thank you for your sound advice. You were very helpful to me and explained exactly what I should do concerning my medical...

  • Why does it always have to be such a battle?

    by Peter Walsh Chief Executive of AvMA September 2015 Why AvMA had to threaten a judicial review to correct serious flaws in the Duty of Candour We might have been...

  • “Just culture taskforce” to be launched

    AvMA welcomes the news that a ‘just culture taskforce’ is to be established in England. This is in response to a recommendation from the Expert Advisory Group on the Healthcare...

  • “Wholly misconceived” safe space proposals rejected by Joint Select Committee

    A report published in August has rejected in the strongest terms the Government’s proposal to allow NHS trusts to investigate themselves and each other under the so-called ‘safe space’ arrangements....


  • ‘The empowered Patient: your right to decide’ – joint event with The Royal Society of Medicine

    Monday 10 October 2016, 1:30-17:00 at the Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE This joint meeting between the Open Section and Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)...

  • 30th AvMA Annual Clinical Negligence Conference

    Join us in Brighton for the 30th ACNC! This is the annual event that brings the clinical negligence community together to learn and discuss the latest developments, policies and strategies...

  • 31st Annual Clinical Negligence Conference

    28-29 June 2019, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds Join us in Leeds for the 31st AvMA Annual Clinical Negligence Conference (ACNC), the event for clinical negligence specialists. The very best medical...

  • Alternatives to Litigation

    Access to justice via litigation in clinical negligence is facing huge challenges in England and Wales. The implementation of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act; increased court...

  • Annual Clinical Negligence Conference 2017

    The programme for AvMA’s Annual Clinical Negligence Conference (ACNC) is now available! Book your place now to attend the event that brings the clinical negligence community together to learn and...

  • Annual Conference Charity Bike Ride

    22nd June 1.00pm Harrogate Join us for a relaxed ride through the heart of Yorkshire Take the leisurely 30 miles route or the challenge of a 50 mile ‘tester’ All...

  • AvMA & Evolution Costs Legal Choir Challenge 2015

    Share in the fun and enjoy an evening of great music on the evening of November 17th 2015 Location is the Central Baptist Church, Bloomsbury. Come and support your friends...

  • AvMA ‘Gujarati Night at Hansa’s’ Leeds

    AvMA supported by Evolution Costs and Irwin Mitchell LLP offer a fantastic evening at Hansa’s Gujarati restaurant in Leeds Great food at Hansa’s Calling all clinical negligence law firms and...

  • AvMA 35th Anniversary Charity Golf Day

    The thirteenth AvMA Charity Golf Day will take place on Thursday 22 June 2017 at the stunning Rudding Park in Harrogate and this year it will be a special fundraising...

  • AvMA 35th Anniversary Gala Celebration

    Join us on the evening of Friday 1 December 2017 to celebrate AvMA’s 35th anniversary and to mark the progress that has been made in patient safety and justice since...

  • AvMA Annual Charity Golf Day

    The 2016 AvMA Charity Golf Day will take place on Thursday 30 June at Mannings Heath Golf Club, near Horsham. The Welcome Event for the Annual Clinical Negligence Conference will...

  • AvMA Annual Golf Day

    The fourteenth AvMA Annual Golf Day will take place on Thursday 28 June 2018 at a new course – the beautiful Singing Hills Golf Course in Albourne, West Sussex (,...

  • AvMA Conference Wine Tour & Tasting (Not Golf)

    Wine Tour & Tasting in Sussex 30th June 2.30pm An alternative to the Thursday Golf Day A chance for non-golfers to kick off their AvMA conference 2016 with a bit...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2017 (Cardiff)

    A series of Roadshows will take place throughout England and Wales in October and November 2017 covering costs budgeting, essential Clinical Negligence costs judgments and cases plus exclusive hot of...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2017 (Norwich) – CANCELLED

    A series of Roadshows will take place throughout England and Wales in October and November 2017 covering costs budgeting, essential Clinical Negligence costs judgments and cases plus exclusive hot off...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2017 (Nottingham)

    A series of Roadshows will take place throughout England and Wales in October and November 2017 covering costs budgeting, essential Clinical Negligence costs judgments and cases plus exclusive hot of...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2018 (Bristol)

    The Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Costs Update Roadshow is back for 2018! Hosted exclusively for Claimant Clinical Negligence practitioners and those working within the industry. A series of Roadshows...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2018 (Leeds)

    The Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Costs Update Roadshow is back for 2018! Hosted exclusively for Claimant Clinical Negligence practitioners and those working within the industry. A series of Roadshows...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2018 (Manchester)

    The Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Costs Update Roadshow is back for 2018! Hosted exclusively for Claimant Clinical Negligence practitioners and those working within the industry. A series of Roadshows...

  • AvMA Costs Update Roadshow 2018 (Newcastle)

    The Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Costs Update Roadshow is back for 2018! Hosted exclusively for Claimant Clinical Negligence practitioners and those working within the industry. A series of Roadshows...

  • AvMA Curry School 2017

    Back by popular demand: AvMA Curry School Leeds, 22 June 2017 Free pick-up from central Leeds and return taxi – 1.00pm prompt. On Thursday 22 June we will offer the...

  • AvMA Festival of Music 2016 (Supported by Evolution Costs)

    St Clement Danes Church The Strand – 15th November 2016 Welcome Drinks from 6.15pm First Choir 6.40pm   Jazz Sensation Harriet Eaves Tickets just £15 (Early Bird) each including FREE...

  • AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel Meeting

    Booking is now open for the 2017 AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel Meeting. The event provides the opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest key developments and issues facing...

  • AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel Meeting

    The annual meeting for AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel members provides the opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest key developments and issues facing clinical negligence law. This year’s...

  • AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel Meeting & Christmas Drinks Reception

    The annual meeting for AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel members provides the opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest key developments and issues facing clinical negligence law. This year’s...

  • AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel Meeting & Christmas Drinks Reception

    The annual meeting for AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel members provides the opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest key developments and issues facing clinical negligence law. This year’s...

  • AvMA’s Christmas Drinks Reception

      AvMA’s Christmas Drinks Reception will take place on the evening of Friday 30 November and provides an excellent opportunity to catch up with friends, contacts and colleagues for some...

  • AvMA’s Christmas Drinks Reception

    AvMA’s Christmas Drinks Reception, which is open to AvMA Panel members and non-members alike, will take place from 17.30 – 23.00 on Thursday 3rd December 2015 at the De Vere...

  • Baby LifeLine Training

    AvMA are promoting a conference for Baby LifeLine Training on “A new course focusing on medico-legal and risk management issues in obstetrics and midwifery” on the 2nd September in Birmingham....

  • Best Practice in Quantum

    Quantifying damages and costs in clinical negligence cases requires maintaining balance between the clients’ needs, expectations and financial compensation. Following the popularity of the ‘Best Practice in Quantum’ conferences in...

  • Best Practice in Quantum

    Quantifying damages and costs in clinical negligence cases requires maintaining balance between the clients’ needs, expectations and financial compensation. This conference will assess general and special damages in quantum cases,...

  • Bristol Golf Day

    This glorious 18-Hole par-70 golf course boasts stunning views across the Severn Estuary. The day is sponsored by Renvilles Costs Lawyers and Consultants, who are kindly donating an additional £35...

  • Cerebral Palsy & Brain Injury Cases – Ensuring you do the best for your client

    This popular AvMA conference comes to Liverpool for the first time on 16th March and will discuss and analyse the key areas currently under the spotlight in Cerebral Palsy and...

  • Cerebral Palsy & Brain Injury Cases – Ensuring you do the best for your client

    This popular AvMA conference returns to London on 15th March and will discuss and analyse the key areas currently under the spotlight in Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury Cases so...

  • Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury Cases – Ensuring you do the best for your client

    This popular AvMA conference returns to Bristol on 8th March and will discuss and analyse the key areas currently under the spotlight in Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury Cases so...

  • Clinical Negligence: Law Practice & Procedure

    This is the course for those who are new to the specialist field of clinical negligence. The event is especially suitable for trainee and newly qualified solicitors, paralegals, legal executives...

  • Clinical Negligence: Law Practice & Procedure

    This is the essential course for those who are new to the specialist field of clinical negligence. The event is especially suitable for trainee and newly qualified solicitors, paralegals, legal...

  • Clinical Negligence: Law Practice and Procedure

    This is the course for those who are new to the specialist field of clinical negligence. The event is especially suitable for trainee and newly qualified solicitors, paralegals, legal executives...

  • Clinical Negligence Issues in Neurosurgery & Neurological Disease

    AvMA’s essential conference on Clinical Negligence Issues in Neurosurgery & Neurological Disease comes to Liverpool on 3rd November. Leading experts will highlight the medico-legal issues surrounding cranial surgery, stroke medicine,...

  • Costs Update Roadshow 2017 (Brighton)

    A series of Roadshows will take place throughout England and Wales in October and November 2017 covering costs budgeting, essential Clinical Negligence costs judgments and cases plus exclusive hot of...

  • Costs Update Roadshow 2017 (Plymouth)

    A series of Roadshows will take place throughout England and Wales in October and November 2017 covering costs budgeting, essential Clinical Negligence costs judgments and cases plus exclusive hot of...

  • Court of Protection conference

    Since its inception in 2007, the Court of Protection has made crucial decisions to try to protect the well-being of vulnerable individuals. In a rapidly-evolving legal environment, AvMA’s inaugural Court...

  • Duty of Candour – Beyond Compliance

    After a year of the statutory Duty of Candour being in force, and with updated regulations expected in April 2016, this one day conference provides an ideal opportunity for anyone...

  • Essential Costs and Funding Update – North

    The complex issue of costs budgeting and management and funding has never been so important for legal practitioners. AvMA are therefore running the Essential Costs and Funding Update in both...

  • Essential Costs and Funding Update – South

    The complex issue of costs budgeting and management and funding has never been so important for legal practitioners. AvMA are therefore running the Essential Costs and Funding Update in both...

  • Essential Legal Concepts for Experts in Clinical Negligence Claims

    This day course, aimed at both the newcomer and the experienced expert witness, will explain and explore the essential legal concepts that the clinical expert witness must understand in order...

  • Essential Medicine for Lawyers

    This conference has been structured to ensure delegates gain a good grounding in the key areas of the major body systems. The increased understanding gained will underpin all future medical...

  • Essential Medicine for Lawyers

      This essential conference has been structured to ensure delegates gain a good grounding in the key areas of the major body systems. The increased understanding gained will underpin all...

  • Experts and Lawyers – Effective Team Working: Legal instructions and report writing

    Lawyers and experts are on the same team – lawyers need to learn to instruct properly; experts need to report in a focused and timely manner. By training lawyers and...

  • Experts and Lawyers – Working Better Together

    Evening of 7 November 2018, Hardwicke Chambers, London Lawyers and experts are on the same team – lawyers need to learn to instruct properly; experts need to report in a...

  • Legal & Ethical Issues in Consent: Montgomery Six Months On

    Following the Montgomery Case in March 2015 all doctors must now take “reasonable care to ensure that the patient is aware of any material risks involved in any recommended treatment,...

  • Legal, Ethical & Clinical Issues in Dentistry Conference

    This essential conference will examine cases of dental negligence, look at how and why they occur and the consequences, and how we can learn from mistakes to improve patient safety...

  • Medical Negligence & Access to Justice in Ireland Today

    We are delighted to return to Dublin for an essential one day conference covering the major issues currently affecting medical negligence litigation and patient safety in Ireland. At such an...

  • Medical Negligence & Access to Justice in Ireland Today

    We are delighted to return to Dublin for an essential one day conference covering the major issues currently affecting medical negligence litigation and patient safety in Ireland, including the Supreme...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Accident & Emergency Care

    This popular AvMA conference is coming to Dublin for the first time. Emergency care services are facing intense pressures to sustain a high-quality urgent and emergency care system. There is...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Accident & Emergency Care

    Emergency Care Services are facing intense pressures to sustain its high-quality urgent and emergency care system (The King’s Fund, 2014). With the current changing NHS climate there is a vital...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

    This essential and popular conference is guaranteed to further knowledge on cardiology and cardiac surgery for your case load, helping you to represent your clients more effectively. Leading experts will...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Diabetes

    Many people with diabetes have multiple and complex health problems and, with this significant risk in mind, the potential delay or missed diagnosis of the patient can have serious consequences....

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Diabetes

    Many people with diabetes have multiple and complex health problems and, with this significant risk in mind, the potential delay or missed diagnosis of the patient can have serious consequences....

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Gastroenterology

    “The burden of gastrointestinal and liver disease is heavy for patients, the NHS, and the economy, with gastrointestinal disease the third most common cause of death, the leading cause of...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Neurosurgery and Neurological Disease

    Complications from neurosurgery and neurological disease are common, causing major functional damage and having a seriously detrimental impact on quality of life. At this essential conference, leading experts will highlight...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Oncology

    This popular AvMA conference is coming to Dublin for the first time and will provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of Oncology in a medico-legal context relevant to your case load....

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Oncology

    This vital course will provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of Oncology in a medico-legal context relevant to your case load. The day will feature presentations from leading experts on breast...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Ophthalmology

    This conference provides an excellent opportunity to update your knowledge on current medical and surgical treatments in the field of Ophthalmology. You will learn from leading experts on neuro-ophthalmology, cataract...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Orthopaedic Surgery

    This essential one day conference brings together leading experts in the field of orthopaedics and gives you an in-depth insight into the conditions relevant to your caseload. Topics include upper...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

    Leading experts will cover the key medico-legal issues arising in plastic surgery relevant to your case load. Consent issues and risk factors will be discussed and the presentations will be...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in Surgery

    This one day conference has been designed for solicitors, barristers and junior doctors to illustrate the key medico-legal issues in surgery and is an excellent opportunity to learn from leading...

  • Medico-Legal Issues in the Care of Older People

    Over the past 6 years there has been a 50% increase in the number of older people not receiving appropriate care, according to research published by Age UK, the Alzheimer’s...

  • North West 35th Anniversary Dinner

    Help us to celebrate 35 years of Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)   This exciting event takes place at one of Manchester’s hottest venues: Manchester235. Join friends and colleagues for...

  • Old Square Chambers & AvMA Clinical Negligence seminar NEW DATE

    NEW DATE: This seminar was originally planned to take place on the evening of 28 February is now taking place on the evening of 18 April.   This seminar on...

  • Quiz Night

    WEDNESDAY 2ND MAY 2018 Hosted by Hodge Jones & Allen The quiz night will raise funds for Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) Join us and enjoy… Food and Wine Quiz,...

  • Representing Families at Inquests

    The important work conducted by AvMA’s Inquest service is the basis for this conference, which is designed to be a comprehensive guide to the practice and procedures when representing a...

  • Representing Families at Inquests: A Practical Guide

    The important work conducted by AvMA’s inquest service is the basis for this conference, which is designed to be a comprehensive guide to the practice and procedures when representing a...

  • St John’s Chambers, AvMA & CBIT Charity Dinner

    Thursday 20th September 2018 at 6.15pm Sansovino Hall, The Bristol Harbour Hotel Arrival drinks reception Three-course dinner Raffle in aid of AvMA and CBIT After Dinner Speaker: His Honour Judge...

  • The 28th Annual Clinical Negligence Conference

    1st – 2nd July 2016, Hilton Brighton Metropole Read more…   Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities at ACNC 2016 The unique environment of the ACNC offers companies the ideal opportunity to...

  • “Our Health; Our Health Service”: does the Green Paper hail a new era for Patient Safety and Justice in Wales?

    “Our Health; Our Health Service” sets out Welsh Government’s agenda for quality and governance, following a host of high profile problems with patient safety and the aftermath of lapses in...