Research projects

Below are details of research projects that AvMA is currently involved in. If you are interested in further information, please email us.

Project Organisation AvMA’s role
The National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU) at Oxford rolled out the National Maternity Survey at the end of 2024. The Survey closes at the end of March 2025. Please find further information here. NPEU, Oxford Informal Support
Maternity Investigations and Review Tools process evaluation (MATREP) is an 18-month national policy study currently evaluating the progress and resourcing of two national improvement programmes in NHS maternity services (HSIB/MNSI and PMRT) to establish if programmes have improved the experience of families, and improved maternity safety. The project will also consider what resources are required (of families and services) for these programmes to be effective. If you or anyone you know has experience of the MNSI process and/or the national PMRT and would like to become involved with this research, then please see the details linked above and here. NIHR (commissioner) DHSC (funding) Informal Support
Seeking people from minority backgrounds and disabled people to share their harmful experiences of NHS healthcare – Closed February 2024 Oxford University and LSHTM Informal Support
‘Freedom to Speak Up Guardians’ research study (role of Guardians) University of Cardiff Advisory Group
Evaluation of medical examiners’ review to identify potentially avoidable deaths University of Sheffield Advisory Group
Building a culture of openness across the healthcare system University of Leicester Professional Advisory Group
‘PACT’ – Partners at Care Transitions Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research Group Advisory Group
Implementation and evaluation of a ward patient experience toolkit Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Advisory Group