Briefings and reports

AvMA endeavours to provide a well-informed, patient-centred contribution to the most important policy debates affecting patient safety and justice. Some of the key ways we do this are through briefings, in-depth reports and responses to formal consultations. Where available, you can download a document. Alternatively, to request a copy of the full document, send us an email.


Type Subject Date
Consultation response AvMA’s Response to Ministry of Justice consultation Reforming the Law of Apologies in England and Wales June 2024
Consultation response AvMA’s response to the Consultation on proposed changes to the Putting things Right (PTR) process April 2024
Consultation response AvMA response to the Consultation on the Professional Standards Authority’s good practice guidance documents in support of regulatory reform April 2024
Consultation response AvMA’s submitted evidence to HSCC on NHS Leadership, performance and patient safety March 2024
Consultation response AvMA’s Response to Ministry of Justice Review of Civil Legal Aid – Call for evidence February 2024
Consultation response AvMA response to Department of Health and Social Care Duty of Candour review: Terms of reference February 2024
Consultation response AvMA response to Justice Committee’s new Inquiry into the Coroner’s Service to examine progress since 2021 January 2024


Type Subject Date
Consultation response AvMA response to MOJ Fixed Recoverable Costs new regime consultation  September 2023
Consultation response AvMA response to Department of Health and Social Care consultation on regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates  May 2023
Consultation response AvMA response to consultation on Professional Standards Authority’s draft strategic plan for 2023-26 February 2023


Type Subject Date
Final Protocol SCIL AvMA NHSR -CN Protocol-finalamended08.06.2021 – 140922 September 2022
Consultation response AvMA response to consultation on extending Fixed Recoverable Costs: How vulnerability is addressed    June 2022
Evidence submission Supplementary submission to HSCC call for evidence on NHS litigation reform April 2022
Evidence submission Submission to HSCC call for evidence on NHS litigation reform April 2022
Consultation response Response to Fixed Recoverable Costs consultation April 2022
Consultation response Response to CJC Pre-Action Protocol Consultation January 2022


Type Subject Date
Consultation response Response to Health and Social Care Committee: Call for evidence NHS litigation reform November 2021
Consultation response Evidence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2020-21 October 2021
Consultation response AvMA response Northern Ireland consultation duty of candour August 2021
Consultation response Regulating Healthcare Professionals, Protecting the Public June 2021
AvMA Joint Statement SCIL AvMA NHSR -CN Protocol- 08.06.2021 June 2021
Consultation response Consultation on CQC Strategy March 2021 March 2021


Type Subject Date
Consultation response Response to NHS Improvement Consultation on its Draft Framework for Involving Patients in Patient Safety October 2020
Evidence submission Submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee Inquiry into the Safety of Maternity Services in England September 2020
Consultation response AvMA response to the Justice Committee’s call for evidence on the Coroner’s Service September 2020
AvMA report An organisation losing its memory? Patient safety alerts implementation, monitoring and regulation in England January 2020


Type Subject Date
AvMA briefing AvMA Position statement in response to CJC request (This document has been redacted to protect sensitive information) June 2019
Consultation response AvMA response to consultation on coronial investigations of stillbirths June 2019
Consultation response AvMA response to Extending FRC in Civil Cases Consultation June 2019
Consultation response AvMA response to Developing a patient safety strategy for the NHS February 2019
Consultation response Response to DHSC consultation: Appropriate clinical negligence cover February 2019


Type Subject Date
AvMA report Requires improvement: regulating the duty of candour October 2018
Evidence submission Submission to the PHSO review of Clinical Advice October 2018
Consultation response Response to Ministry of Justice call for evidence in their review of Legal Aid for inquests August 2018
Consultation response Response to NMC consultation: Ensuring patient safety, enabling professionalism June 2018
Evidence submission Supplementary Submissions to Civil Justice Council on ADR and Civil Justice following CJC ADR Workshop March 2018
Consultation response Response to Department of Health & Social Care consultation on ‘Promoting professionalism, reforming regulation’ January 2018
Consultation response Response to CQC on Reporting and Rating NHS Trusts: use of resources January 2018


Type Subject Date
Consultation response Response to Civil Justice Council consultation on ‘ADR & Civil Justice’ December 2017
Consultation response Response to Department of Health consultation on the Regulation of Nursing Associates in England December 2017
Consultation response Response to Department of Health consultation on the regulation of medical associate professions in the UK December 2017
AvMA briefing AvMA’s briefing on the ‘fixed recoverable costs’ proposals for clinical negligence October 2017
AvMA briefing AvMA’s briefing on the draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill and “Safe Space” October 2017
Evidence submission Submissions to Public Accounts Committee on “Managing the Cost of Clinical Negligence in the NHS” October 2017
Consultation response Response to Department of Health consultation on a rapid resolution and redress scheme for severe avoidable birth injury May 2017
Consultation response Response to the Department of Health consultation on Fixed Recoverable Costs May 2017
Consultation response Response to the GMC consultation on Medical Licensing Assessment April 2017
Evidence submission Evidence submitted to Lord Jackson’s review of fixed recoverable costs January 2017


Type Subject Date
Consultation response Response to the Department of Health Safe Space consultation December 2016
AvMA briefing AvMA’s briefing on Department of Health proposal to extend “safe space” arrangements to all patient safety investigations November 2016
Consultation response Response to the Ministry of Justice consultation: Transforming our justice system November 2016
AvMA report Regulating the Duty of Candour August 2016
AvMA briefing AvMA’s proposals for ensuring patient safety lessons are learnt from litigation July 2016
Evidence submission Submission to Health Select Committee Maternity Review June 2016
Consultation response Response to the introduction of medical examiners and reforms to death certification in England and Wales June 2016
Consultation response Response to the Scottish Government proposals for a no-blame redress scheme June 2016
Consultation response Response to NHS Litigation Authority Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts consultation May 2016
Consultation response Response to NHS England Nursing Associate consultation March 2016
Consultation response Response to Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman survey on draft service charter January 2016


Type Subject Date
AvMA briefing AvMA’s briefing on the Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill October 2015