June and Tricia’s story

June and Tricia’s father John E Wennell
Our father, John E Wennell was a shy man and very loving.
He was happiest when with family, particularly his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. John loved his time in National Service later enjoying life on the road driving heavy goods vehicles across the continent and in the UK until retiring in his late 60s. He had many tales to share, we delighted in playing on the trailer of his truck as children when we could get away with it. Our brothers occasionally went on road trips with him and had so much fun. It wouldn’t be allowed today!
John enjoyed good health for most of his life and loved to swim and walk but in later years vascular dementia and other health complications caused him to become quite vulnerable. Until later life he rarely needed medical treatment but after a two-week hospital stay, he was planned for discharge on his 84th birthday and we were planning a celebration for him. Sadly, he unexpectedly died early that morning.
We knew he didn’t have too many years left but believed he shouldn’t have died on that day, in that way.
We requested a Coroner’s Hearing into the cause of our father’s death. I had experience of such hearings in my professional capacity, but this was personal, and we needed support.
Thankfully, AvMA were available offering information and legal advice with clear and concise information provided verbally, in writing and on their website.
After contacting the helpline, I submitted an inquest new client form and was put in touch with a medico-legal adviser, who guided us through the process and assisted us in preparing for the Hearing. We felt very let down by the NHS Trust concerned and emotions were running high within the family.
Our medico-legal adviser was a refreshing voice, always calm and showed much understanding and empathy for what we were going through. Her knowledge made a huge difference and was essential because we could not afford legal representation.
Although not needed in a Coroner’s Hearing, we knew the NHS Trust would have a lawyer present and the power imbalance in this situation felt extremely unfair to us. With the help of our medico-legal adviser, we had enough information to prepare and present our questions for the Hearing.
We didn’t get the outcome we hoped for, but the Coroner changed the cause of death from ‘natural causes’ to ‘accidental death’ which we were happier with.
If AvMA had more resources, they may have been able to attend the Hearing and represent us in person, but this was not possible. We cannot know if that would have given us a different outcome, but we do know we would not have coped without AvMA’s support.

John’s memorial bench in Beckenham Place Park
Two years on from our father’s death and a year from the Coroner’s Hearing we feel our actions gave him a voice and we remain grateful to AvMA for their support. We have a bench in Beckenham Place Park in his memory and had a family gathering to celebrate his life in on the 2nd June this year. If you find yourself in the area the park is well worth a visit. You will see our father’s bench the other side of the children’s play area. We know he would love you to take a seat and enjoy the views in his favourite place.
‘We have given a donation to AvMA in support of their work and hope you will too! Thank you AvMA.
From John’s daughters, June and Tricia.’