Joint letter re: Government’s response to Justice Committee report on coroner’s court

Published: 13 Oct 2021

A group of charities and other organisations including AvMA have today written to the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Dominic Raab MP, expressing our disappointment in the Government’s response to the Justice Committee’s recommendations on the Coroner Service.

We continue to press the government to seize the opportunity to bring equality of arms to families attending inquests into their loved ones death by accepting the Justice Committee’s recommendations in their report on the Coroner’s Service. Central to this is that families are able to access non means tested legal aid or other public funding in appropriate circumstances, the introduction of an independent office to ensure that lessons are learnt thereby securing improvements to the public’s safety and a unified national coroner’s service to ensure consistency of standards in the coroner’s court

Read our joint letter which can be found here.

Update: 23 November 2021

See the response to our letter here.