News archive

  • Fixed recoverable costs proposals “illogical and potentially unfair”

    January 31, 2022

    The Government had today (31 January 2022) opened a consultation into fixed recoverable costs in lower value clinical negligence claims in England and Wales. The consultation proposes a new scheme which the Government claims will “enable claimants and defendants to achieve faster resolution of ‘lower value’ clinical negligence claims (claims valued up to and including […]

  • New chair and trustees of AvMA

    December 11, 2021

    AvMA is delighted to announce that Jocelyn Cornwell has been elected as the new chair of AvMA’s trustee board. Jocelyn is perhaps is best known as the founder and past CEO of the Point of Care Foundation, but has a wide range of other healthcare and regulatory experience as well as relevant personal experience. Read […]

  • Health and Social Care Committee inquiry: NHS litigation reform

    November 18, 2021

    AvMA has submitted evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into NHS Litigation Reform. AvMA’s submission can be found here. AvMA’s chief executive is also due to give oral evidence before the committee on 11th January. The Committee is naturally very concerned about the large financial cost of clinical negligence to the NHS, […]

  • Joint letter re: Government’s response to Justice Committee report on coroner’s court

    October 13, 2021

    A group of charities and other organisations including AvMA have today written to the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Dominic Raab MP, expressing our disappointment in the Government’s response to the Justice Committee’s recommendations on the Coroner Service. We continue to press the government to seize the opportunity to […]

  • AvMA comment on the Government’s response to the Justice Committee’s first report on The Coroner Service

    September 14, 2021

    The Justice Committee’s report on the Coroner’s Service published on 27th May contained several welcome recommendations.  However, three key recommendations stood out for us and many other organisations and charities.  Chief among these was the recommendation that “The Ministry of Justice should by 1 October 2021, for all inquests where public authorities are legally represented, make sure […]

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