News archive

  • AvMA Welcomes Health Committee Recommendations on NHS Complaints but Demands Action

    January 21, 2015

    Today sees the launch of the Health Select Committee’s report on “Complaints and Raising Concerns”.   The charity provided evidence to the committee to help it arrive at this report. AvMA welcomes the publication of this report and the recommendations for improvements to the Ombudsman’s role in investigating NHS complaints and strengthening arrangements for independent advice and information for […]

  • AvMA Reaction to winter pressures in A&E

    January 8, 2015

    This winter is seeing unprecedented pressure on accident and emergency departments right across the country. Much of the media attention has concentrated on hospitals not meeting the waiting time for admission target of 4 hours maximum. Whilst any decent service should aspire to assess, admit or treat and discharge patients within 4 hours, AvMA is […]

  • Health and Adult social care must embrace complaints to improve services

    December 8, 2014

    In a report out today the Care Quality Commission has found that there is wide variation in the way complaints are handled across the NHS, primary care and adult social care services in England, with complainants being met too often with a defensive culture rather than one that listens and is willing to learn. Peter Walsh, […]

  • History made today as “duty of candour” becomes law – more action needed to make nhs cover ups a thing of the past

    November 27, 2014

    Today marks an historic moment for the NHS in England. The statutory Duty of Candour –  a legal duty to be open and honest with patients or their families when things go wrong that can cause harm – comes into force. Action against Medical Accidents (“AvMA” – the charity for patient safety & justice) has […]

  • AVMA responds to GMC & NMC’s duty of candour consultation

    November 14, 2014

    Action on all our parts vital if cover-ups are to be effectively outlawed

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