AvMA's Vision
We are passionately committed to the NHS and the values that underpin it. We want it to be the best service it can be and with a just culture to match. And when it is not the best, we will not shy away from saying so and campaigning for improvements. This extends to private healthcare, which also serves people we support and assist.
Our vision for what we want to see is simple: People who suffer avoidable medical harm get the support and the outcomes they need. This vision is underpinned by four objectives. Between them, we believe, will transform trust in the NHS and healthcare generally and significantly cut the cost – financial and human – which is incurred annually in settling legal claims as well as dealing with the human costs associated with traumatic medical injuries and death.
Our 2024-29 strategy will guide us to make this vision a reality. Find out more about our four key objectives and how we plan to deliver them.
About us

Partners for Patient Safety
Partners for Patient Safety is AvMA’s corporate membership scheme which is open to companies and public bodies. It is a brilliant way for organisations to align themselves with the cause of patient safety, support the vital charitable work that AvMA does, access a range of benefits and services which membership provides, and demonstrate their corporate social responsibility.
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AvMA Chair Jocelyn Cornwell Awarded MBE in New Year’s Honours
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Announcing a New Patient Safety All Party Parliamentary Group
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